PDMED Resource Utilisation Questionnaire

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Document Provider:
Emma McIntosh
Emma McIntosh & Alastair Gray
Contact Details:
Emma McIntosh & Alastair Gray
Country of Origin:
United Kingdom

Study Completed:

DIRUM Listing:

Disease Categories


Populations - Age

Age Range: 1 - 100

Populations - Sex

Administration Methods

In person

Instrument Types

Recall questionnaire

Person(s) Completing Instrument


Settings of Care

GP practice
Residential care

Nature of Intervention


Items of Resource Being Measured

Community nurse
Practice nurse
Informal carer
Day hospital
Social services
Patient incurred
Occupational therapy
Social services day care
State benefits
Other NHS - Language therapist
Other non-NHS - use of alternative practitioner

Other Characterisation Details

Frequency Of Economic Data Collection - 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120 months
Maximum Recall Period - 10 to 12 months

Primary References

Web Article: Gray R, A large randomised assessment of the relative cost-effectiveness of different classes of drugs for Parkinson's disease (PD MED). NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme. Available from: , HTA, http://www.hta.ac.uk/1119

Information on how items for costing were identified

Evidence of content validity since questionnaire content developed from expert panel review and previous pilot. REF: Clarke CE, Furmston A, Morgan E, et al. Pilot randomised controlled trial of occupational therapy to optimise independence in Parkinson’s disease: the PD OT trial. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2009;80:976–978.

Journal article: Clarke C E, Furmston A, Morgan E, et al. , Pilot randomised controlled trial of occupational therapy to optimise independence in Parkinson’s disease: the PD OT trial, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry , 2009, 80, 976–978. [DOI: 10.1136/jnnp.2007.138586 ]

Journal article: Chrischilles E A, Rubenstein L M, Voelker M D, et al, The health burdens of Parkinson’s disease., Mov Disord , 1998, 13, 406–13. [DOI: 10.1002/mds.870130306]

Journal article: Findley L, Aujla M, Bain P G, et al. , Direct economic impact of Parkinson’s disease: a research survey in the United Kingdom., Mov Disord , 2003, 18, 1139–45. [DOI: 10.1002/mds.870130306]

Piloting of questionnaires for patient / carer completion

Evidence of content validity since questionnaire content developed from expert panel review and previous pilot. REF: Clarke CE, Furmston A, Morgan E, et al. Pilot randomised controlled trial of occupational therapy to optimise independence in Parkinson’s disease: the PD OT trial. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2009;80:976–978.

Journal article: Clarke C E, Furmston A, Morgan E, et al. , Pilot randomised controlled trial of occupational therapy to optimise independence in Parkinson’s disease: the PD OT trial, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry , 2009, 80, 976–978. [DOI: 10.1136/jnnp.2007.138586 ]


Evidence of content validity since questionnaire content developed from expert panel review and previous pilot. REF: Clarke CE, Furmston A, Morgan E, et al. Pilot randomised controlled trial of occupational therapy to optimise independence in Parkinson’s disease: the PD OT trial. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2009;80:976–978.

Journal article: Clarke C E, Furmston A, Morgan E, et al. , Pilot randomised controlled trial of occupational therapy to optimise independence in Parkinson’s disease: the PD OT trial, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry , 2009, 80, 976–978. [DOI: 10.1136/jnnp.2007.138586 ]

Instrument Resource

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