CONSTRUCT Questionnaire

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Document Provider:
Prof. David Cohen
Prof. David Cohen/ Kym Thorne
Contact Details:
Professor of Health Economics
University of Glamorgan
Health Economics and Policy Research Unit
Faculty of Health, Sport and Science
Pontypridd CF37 1DL
Prof. David Cohen
Country of Origin:
United Kingdom

Other Methods of Resource Use Data Collection:
Research Professional completes a Case Report Form using hospital operational data (including case notes) which records all resource use at the hospital where the patient is receiving care i.e. investigations, outpatient attendances, inpatient stays, drugs given while an inpatient, etc. etc.

Study Completed:

DIRUM Listing:

Disease Categories


Populations - Age

Age Range: 18 - 100

Populations - Sex

Administration Methods

In person

Instrument Types

Recall questionnaire

Person(s) Completing Instrument


Settings of Care


Nature of Intervention


Items of Resource Being Measured

Community nurse
Practice nurse
NHS direct
Other NHS - Dietician

Other Characterisation Details

Frequency Of Economic Data Collection - 3, 6, 12, 24 and potentially l6 36, 48 and 60 (and annually up to 10 years)
Maximum Recall Period - 1 to 3 months

Primary References

Web Article: Williams J G, Russell I, Cohen D, et al, Comparison of infliximab and ciclosporin in steroid resistant ulcerative colitis: a trial (CONSTRUCT), NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme,

Information on how items for costing were identified

Evidence of face validity; protocol reports questionnaire subject to pilot and pre-pilot.

Web Article: Williams J G, Russell I, Cohen D, et al, Comparison of infliximab and ciclosporin in steroid resistant ulcerative colitis: a trial (CONSTRUCT), NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme,

Piloting of questionnaires for patient / carer completion

Evidence of face validity; protocol reports questionnaire subject to pilot and pre-pilot.

Web Article: Williams J G, Russell I, Cohen D, et al, Comparison of infliximab and ciclosporin in steroid resistant ulcerative colitis: a trial (CONSTRUCT), NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme,


Evidence of face validity; protocol reports questionnaire subject to pilot and pre-pilot.

Web Article: Williams J G, Russell I, Cohen D, et al, Comparison of infliximab and ciclosporin in steroid resistant ulcerative colitis: a trial (CONSTRUCT), NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme,

Instrument Resource

Conditions of Use

  • With written permission of copyright holder
  • Other - This work was funded by the NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme (project number 06/78/03) and was published in full in /Health Technology Assessment. The views and opinions expressed therein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the HTA programme, NIHR, NHS or the Department of Health. Questionnaire context is an important consideration here, too. This instrument was not the only source of resource use data in the study - other data sources were used such as patient notes transcribed onto case report forms.

Supporting Materials

  • User manual

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