Information on how items for costing were identified
Evidence of face, content and criterion validity. Face and content: use of the widely-adapted client service receipt inventory.
Chapter in Book: Thornicroft, Graham, Costing psychiatric interventions, Measuring mental health needs, 200-224, London, UK, Gaskell, 2001
Journal article: Chisolm D, Knapp M, Knudsen H, et al., Client Socio-Demographic and Service Receipt Inventory - European Version : development of an instrument for international research, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2000, 177, s28-s33
Piloting of questionnaires for patient / carer completion
Evidence of face, content and criterion validity. Face and content: use of the widely-adapted client service receipt inventory.
Chapter in Book: Knapp M, Collecting and estimating costs, Knapp M, The Economic Evaluation of Mental Health Care, London, Ashgate Publishing, 195
Evidence of face, content and criterion validity. Face and content: use of the widely-adapted client service receipt inventory.
Journal article: Beecham J, Knapp M. , Costing Psychiatric Interventions., Discussion Paper , 1999, 1536
Journal article: Patel A, Rendu A, Moran S, et al., A comparison of two methods of collecting economic data in primary care. , Family Practice, 2005, 22, 323-7 [DOI: 10.1093/fampra/cmi027]
Reliability testing
100% rate of completion quoted in this study
Additional supplement on accomodation plus changes in semantics, eg occupational categories based on international standards