Information on how items for costing were identified
Evidence of face, content and criterion validity. Face and content: use of the widely-adapted client service receipt inventory. REF: Beecham J, Knapp M. Costing Psychiatric Interventions. 1999; Discussion Paper 1536: 22. Criterion validity REF: Patel A, Rendu A, Moran S, et al. A comparison of two methods of collecting economic data in primary care. Family Practice 2005;22:323-7.
Journal article: Beecham J, Knapp M. , Costing Psychiatric Interventions., Discussion Paper , 1999, 1536
Piloting of questionnaires for patient / carer completion
Evidence of face, content and criterion validity. Face and content: use of the widely-adapted client service receipt inventory. REF: Beecham J, Knapp M. Costing Psychiatric Interventions. 1999; Discussion Paper 1536: 22. Criterion validity REF: Patel A, Rendu A, Moran S, et al. A comparison of two methods of collecting economic data in primary care. Family Practice 2005;22:323-7.
Journal article: Beecham J, Knapp M. , Costing Psychiatric Interventions., Discussion Paper , 1999, 1536
Evidence of face, content and criterion validity. Face and content: use of the widely-adapted client service receipt inventory. REF: Beecham J, Knapp M. Costing Psychiatric Interventions. 1999; Discussion Paper 1536: 22. Criterion validity REF: Patel A, Rendu A, Moran S, et al. A comparison of two methods of collecting economic data in primary care. Family Practice 2005;22:323-7.
Journal article: Patel A, Rendu A, Moran S, et al., A comparison of two methods of collecting economic data in primary care. , Family Practice, 2005, 22, 323-7 [DOI: 10.1093/fampra/cmi027]
100% rate of completion quoted in some studies using CSRIs
Numerous adaptations